Recently, a number of efforts to silence dissent to Anthropocentric Global Warming polices have been undertaken by members of Congress and the Department of Justice. There are proposals to sue any person or corporation that says the global warming is not occurring because “97 per cent of scientists agree” that global warming is a major problem and will result in sea rise and more severe storms. It should be noted that all scientists (except 2, namely Copernicus and Galileo) also agreed that the earth was the center of the universe in the 1500s. The theory that Man is controlling the weather through carbon dioxide is being propped up with data reanalyses, unverified models and politicians. Many of the politicians are starting to sound like the Freedom of speech only belongs to those that agree with them. And the politicians say that they know best.
I have often felt that the large amount of money that has been spent on climate models in the past decade have failed to result in any useful model that can improve the forecast for the next season or the next year. Then you have a better change of estimating the effects in 75 years when all the model developers have long since died.