Connecticut Drought 2015-2016

The average precipitation in Connecticut is about 44 inches per year.  In 2016, about 26 inches of precipitation has been recorded at Bradley Airport.  We are currently 40 per cent under the normal amounts from March through last week.   Even normal precipitation for the year will be less than 34 inches for the year.

A review of data from Bradley Airport shows only 8 years since 1950 that had less than 38 inches.  The years are shown in the table.

Year Total Precipitation (inches)
1980 31.69
1957 32.22
2001 33.03
1964 34.55
1981 35.15
1985 36.88
1963 36.92


The year 2015 was also below normal and only had 39.21 inches, making the current drought in the longest since the drought 50 years ago.  One of the worst of the recent droughts and which was one of the longest droughts in Connecticut occurred from 1963 to 1966 with 3 of the years being  among the top 8 dry years.  The dryness affected both agricultural production and created water supply problems.

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