The NGS has jumped the shark in preparing the Cool It issue in support of a new treaty at the Paris Conference in December. They prepared the issue based on a rise in temperature that exceeds 10F in 2100, even higher than the upper limits projected by the IPCC in its latest report. There is no science in the issue but they project a utopian solution to the problems.
They state the West Antarctic Glacier is near collapse and will raise the oceans by more than 4 feet in the next several centuries. They don’t indicate if CO2 ceases whether it will continue.
They show dramatic increases in weather events in the past 20 years. They say floods have increased by a factor of 3 and that local and regional storms have increased 5 time since 1980 in 2014. Looking at IPCC data, they seem to be from another planet.
There is a proposal for solar and wind by 2050 in US with 78 million roof top systems, 49,000 solar plants, 156,000 off shore wind turbines, and 328,000 land base turbines. This would need land equal to North Carolina. The cost is estimated at $47,000 for each American. Fossil fuels would not be used after 2035 and gasoline cars would no longer be made. And the electric cost will be reduced by 5%.
They further propose a house that has 89 ft2 and recommend its wide use in urban areas. They propose transportation be walking or by bicycle and to use trains for long distances.